How's the Serenity?
The wait for fans of Joss Whedon is finally over witht he release whilst i was away of his big screen adaptation of his ill faited TV series "Firefly": Serenity
I went and saw it with Hayley on Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed it. At last an intelligent sci-fi movie that doesn't resort to techno-babble and rubbish deux-ex-machina to further the plot. Well, ok, there's a little bit of one at the end, but it fits well alright.
Lets face it though, i'm biased. I love Whedon. I was a fan of Buffy from the movie, through all 7 seasons of the show, through 5 seasons of Angel, and although i caught on late, i thoroughly enjoyed Firefly. For me the film was the perfect balance of wit and drama. My only criticism was that some of the characters who had been important in the series were pushed to the sidelines, menaing there fates were kind of meaningless unless you'd seen the series.
Hayley is not a big fan of Sci-Fi and had seen very little of the series. She did say she enjoyed it, especially the beginning, but i think it trailed off for her at the end.
I'd reccomend watching the 13 episodes and then going to the film. It's a good use of anyones time...
I went and saw it with Hayley on Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed it. At last an intelligent sci-fi movie that doesn't resort to techno-babble and rubbish deux-ex-machina to further the plot. Well, ok, there's a little bit of one at the end, but it fits well alright.
Lets face it though, i'm biased. I love Whedon. I was a fan of Buffy from the movie, through all 7 seasons of the show, through 5 seasons of Angel, and although i caught on late, i thoroughly enjoyed Firefly. For me the film was the perfect balance of wit and drama. My only criticism was that some of the characters who had been important in the series were pushed to the sidelines, menaing there fates were kind of meaningless unless you'd seen the series.
Hayley is not a big fan of Sci-Fi and had seen very little of the series. She did say she enjoyed it, especially the beginning, but i think it trailed off for her at the end.
I'd reccomend watching the 13 episodes and then going to the film. It's a good use of anyones time...