Ross's Ramblings - Movies, TV, Pop Culture, Politics...

A 26 Year Old Music and History Graduate hailing originally from Adelaide and now living in Melbourne Australia. Here I will spill my small thoughts on anything I feel applicable... Beware.

01 September 2005

Intelligent Design May Be Taught In Schools

An interesting piece on ABC Australia's 7.30 Report the other night. Click Here to see the transcript.

Apparently there are a number of politicians that want to have the idea of Intelligent Design taught in our school science rooms. It is a very popular idea in the US with much support from George W. Which, lets face it, is reason enough to do it here i feel. He is a very bright man...

This concept worries me greatly. I just finished reading a book all about Darwin and Evolution, so am am more knowledgable about the debate than i ever have been in the past. My greatest issue is that it is not in fact science. In actuality the whole concept in my mind is the absence of science. "Everything is so complicated that we can't understand it so it must be designed, and therefore there must be a designer." Of course this is a simplification, and if you want more info i'm sure it's out there to read, backed up with countless texts that have no scientific concepts, but do wholeheartedly aggree with each other.

It is the absence of science because it says "science has had enough time and can't understand things, so therefore they are un-understandable." The whole concept of science is that something isn't fact until it can be proved. Intelligent design is the complete opposite.

Teaching intelligent design in a science class is akin to teaching the idea that aliens exist and dropped us here on space ships. Both are not science, but pseudo-science. And both have been extensively debunked over the last 200 odd years. We need to be teaching kids about eh scientific method, and how these amazing discoveries and theories are developed. Not that since science hasn't got all the answers, we can just install our own.

There is a place for the concept of intelligent design, but it is a church, not in our schools.

The book i just finished that got me intrigued on the subject of evolution is in fact Ian Cohen and Jack Stewarts's latest Science of Discworld III : Darwins Watch. A great starter for people that have read a lot of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books.


29 August 2005

What Happens When You Need A Beer Through Your Tigger Outfit...

Had to put this up. One of the funniest things i saw while watching the Fourth Test.


4th Ashes Test...

So, we lost the 4th Test.

Check it out at Foxsports News

Is that the end of Australian cricket? I doubt it. Is it the end of our Ashes campaign? 5 days is a long time in cricket, and Australia knows how to win, so i wouldn't be writing them off. Do we deserve to win? Sadly, no. Australia's aging test side has played as bad or worse than every team that has visited our shores in a good 8 years. And England have played well. No, superbly.

Now, i'm half English, so i hope i'm not thought of as being un-Australian. But the Poms have been playing so well i'm ashamed to say i have been almost barracking for them. Especially when i look at Australians whinging. Still, if nothing else this amazing competition has had me hooked from day one, test one. It's such a cliche, but i'll say it anyway: It's just so good for cricket.

I'm hooked again, just like i was as a kid. And this time to real cricket. Not the limited overs stuff, where it's all about winning and getting the most points. (Points for losing, but not losing by lots. Grrrrrr!) Test cricket. The only game played over such a long time. Where weather is the real 12th man for any side that needs her. Where the simple fact that you are hitting the ball lots changes the game. Such an amazing concept.

So, it's time for the 5th and Final Ashes test. In 2 weeks we may be knocked off our pedestal of the unbeatable test team. Bring it on.

At least Warnie will be having fun...

28 August 2005

Podcasts I'm Into

Thought i'd post some of the podcasts that i'm listening to at the moment.

All these are available in iTunes at the moment. I'm really enjoying this whole concept as it gives me something to listen to when i'm wasting time at work.

I'm very much into the movie podcasts at the moment, and two in particular have me hooked:

Cinecast - A very professionally done podcast by Adam Kempenaar and Sam Hallgren from Chicago. As well as reviewing a new film in each podcast (they're obviously very busy as they bring out 2 a week) they do a couple of great segments including Massacre Theatre where you have to guess the scene they act out, and a top 5 of something different each week.

The Movie Show on The Podcast Network - Mainly done by the prolific podcaster Cameron Reilly, one of the founder of the Podcast Network. He's Australian and is very film savvy. Is much more of a chat podcast where he talks with a co-host about 1 or 2 films over an hour or so.

The Signal - A Podcast about Firefly and it's film spin off Serenity. As a lover of Joss Whedon I am looking forward to the show and this show is full of little insights into the production and stories from the series.

KCRW's Le Show - Harry Shearer's weekly show. For those that loves the wit of this fantastic comic this is a must. Very clever and dark.

Anyone know any others they can reccomend?


First Post...

Hi. Welcome to my Blog.

I guess i should tell anyone poor soul who walks this way who I am.

I was born in Adelaide, South Australia of the wonderful vintage of 1979. One of those final wild flings from the 70s.

After spending my youth learning to walk and talk I quickly moved on to being able to lie and never get off my arse.

After High School, I went to the University of Adelaide to study Music and History. I spent 5 years doing everything I could to avoid studying, but still managed to graduate in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Music. I then moved to Melbourne where I now live with my much maligned fiancee Hayley and work as a professional musician.

For those interested I am of the sad breed of pathetic musicians known as a classical saxophonist, basically meaning I am unemployable.

I enjoy Film, Music, Football (the real one with the round ball), Cricket, Reading (in particular the works of Terry Pratchett) and drinking way too much beer.

I dislike all sorts of things, but mainly irritating people. Not that i dislike irritating people. That's great fun. I dislike people that irritate me. Hippocritical I realise, but i'm sure i will continue being hipocritical for some time to come.

I'm not sure what I hope to achieve with this Blog, but i seem to have lots of thoughts about all sorts of things, so maybe this will be a way to get some of them out there a little bit.

Lets see what happens.
