Ross's Ramblings - Movies, TV, Pop Culture, Politics...

A 26 Year Old Music and History Graduate hailing originally from Adelaide and now living in Melbourne Australia. Here I will spill my small thoughts on anything I feel applicable... Beware.

06 October 2005

Home Again

Well, I am now officially returned from my 4 weeks away.

With all due respect to the lovely city of Broome, it isn't really much to jump around about. Nice pearls though.

The whole sea going thing was fantastic for me and if anyone who reads this ever thinks about spending an extended couple of weeks cruising round on some sort of large ship, I highly recommend it.

Happy to be home again now though. Sleeping in my own bed (which ironically gave me a creaked neck the first night) and showering without sandals.

Of course, I've come back to a massively hectic period and will probably have very little free time for the rest of the year. Christmas is right around the corner though isn't it?



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